Love Conquers all things..........

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Location: North Quincy, Masssachusetts, United States

Monday, November 27, 2006

I hateliars

I hate liars....

Sometimes people lie for a good reason, and that I am willing to let go. However, if you lie for nothing and for the sake of doing it......then u shall have to face my wrath......
I cannot believe u lied to me about this. You know who you are. Don't think u can put off the whole matter by laughing it off because IT IS NOt GOING TO WORK!!

You of all people..........

Saturday, November 25, 2006


About me: more than a God.

I try hard. Try to keep everything in order.To handle issues and problems at home. But it is always not enough. Thankfullym I don't and never bother living up to ppl's expectations. I am through with that. It only makes matters worse. Things are not getting better, it's not only getting harder but more complicated. Ah..You won't ever understand. Yeah, sure everyone sure has their problems and I have mine,and i m sure that yours is way worse than mine. ALl I am doing is just complaining??Nah... just letting go of things in a more 'technical' way...ahahah....I don't wanna complain...but really is not easy.It's like carrying weights not on my feet, but also on my shoulders, arms , ears...nose?haha...yeah....

Try me: Remove the facade that shields my inner self and all u see will be a wrecked tower, still standing talll..but...wrecked..


Still, I cannot deny the fact that I have great friends...You know who u are.... always by my side making life a lot easier...:)

New fact: Ambank is my best friend.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

UN requited love

UNrequited Love.

It either makes you or breaks you.

It either brings you joy or intense pain.

It is a choice not a feeling.

It comes with responsibility and is long-term.

Last night, Jean suggested I wrote on UNrequited Love. I am 100% confident that every single normal person has or will experience what we call Unrequited Love. Unrequited basically means not returned or reciprocated. Conclusion:Unrequited Love is clapping with only one hand.

"I will never forget the anguish and the pain I went through," stated Shiela. Going through that nasty break-up changed her entire being, her character, her personality, her whole self,inside out. She never thought that it would end just like that. To her, he was her breath, her life, her everything. It just didn't make sense how a relationship as firm and steady as this could just vanish within 2 days.

"I love you" didn't mean anything anymore. It was just three empty words. Three pathetic ,meaningless words. It was all a lie. Maybe he did love me.Wasn't love a long term process which involved commitment? Well, I guess not.God help me. The road to recovery is not going to be easy. It's so hard.SO hard to let go. So hard to move on.
Day by day, the life in me seemed liek it was seeping away.I was soulless. Walking and living without hope and motivation. If only I knew, but it is all too late now. I never knew that it hurt this much or I would have thought over and over, not jumping into decisions just liek that. Too bad I never listened to my mum . Too bad I was just too stubborn to listen. Too bad ....Too bad everything....

Love is patient Love is kind......Love.......conquers all things..

Monday, November 13, 2006

happy bday

On the 12th Nov, in the year 1987, a very "loud" baby girl was born........19 years later........


On this very auspicious day, three very very very good friends(if you don't know who....aiyoooohhh) decided to celebrate it for her. After months and months of planning...(hehe..kidding la..not months lah)we decided to give her a special day that she will never forget. Going to church and getting prayed for by Rose was just part of it. We then headed to secret recipe for "THE LUNCH". We sat down , ordered and SUDDENLY......TA-DA!!SURPRISE!!Ivan, Kevin and Jon came ..I mean I knew about it.. It was a surprise for the birthday girl.

After a very satisfying and enormous meal, we ordered "THE CAKE"..NOT JUST ANY ORDINARY CAKE, BUT A CAKE MADE OUT OF SEVEN DIFFERENT SLICES OF CAKES...WHHOOAHHHHHHhhhhHHHHHHHhhhhhh!!!....hehe... Of course, without delay, we jumped into the cake as in..u know...we dug in...hmmm-HMMmmm...IT was gooOOOoood!!

"the cake"

and of course, not forgetting, the surprise of the day...her burfday PRESSIE...

Let's just review the past few days:
ying: I want that dress...cannot! I must buy it...

ying: I DON'T CARE..YOU GUYS MUST BUY IT FOR ME!!THAT'S ALL I WANT FOR MY BIRTHDAY... PLEAASSEEE...Pweassseeee...i really realllyyyyy want it....
(hehee..this one i added myself)

anyways...we knew she wanted what do we do? GET IT OF COZ..MEI SEI KO-AH...
not giving her what she wants..would be know.....errr....just get to know ying roe..and you shall find out...muahaah

So, we shut her eyes and presented her usual..must feel first... then... LO AND BEHOLD!...AAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAaAAAaaaaaaa!!! She got that right...right in the middle of secret recipe...Its a ying roe thing...:)hehe...

" the dress"

Happy birthday roe!!! I love you!!
Finally this is 4 you!!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


i am SICK....

i miss my mum.....

i miss my dad too...

i am so so head is spinning

i think i am just gonna lay my head down to rest....



Monday, November 06, 2006

my cuties

On sat...i had a great time with my pre juniors..they are just so innocent and cute..the way they talk and see things..u knwo..from that innocent point of view.... oh how i love them.... Kids...children....AAHHHHHHHhhhhhh..:)they had to draw pics and these is wat you get....hehehe

hehe..the first thing is a sushi...then the next is a drunstick chicken..then an icecream

this is ivan's favourite teacher...cute rite....

and this is angelina's flower with a butterfly on it...

finally..this is andrew's whole family....

And here are the little stars.......:)

gorgeous rite??audrey...

rinnah and audrey

the cheeky boys...hehe

the little angels..:)

dana and dena...:)

little rinnah..audrey and emily

aren't kids such a blessing....there's just so much we can leanr from them.. They are gems....

Friday, November 03, 2006

3rd nov........

SINCE Rose wasn't around, she gave ORDERS TO buy some stuff. So Kristee and I headed to mv to get all the stuff. It was fun la...its "shopping"...but for work la... After we bought half the stuff...we stopped at mac d for lunch...which the pics out...


Oh yeah..i forgot to mention...I saw a really cute baby in the office...ayo..I just couldn't resist it..I just had to take a pic with that cute lil thing...hehe.... SOOOOooooOOO Chubby!!Cannot wait for my own...nyeheheheheh.... WAT?!!! I'M PROUD TO ADMIT THAT...HAHAHAHAHA

me and cutie pie...hehe


anwyays...we then went to FOS To get some shirts ...i saw this cute shirt...

"i'm hungry and you're a potato"....i wanted to get it!! not enuf money at that moment...haihhhh......hehe...

we then headed back legs almost gave way...walk too much ady....

emo: I miss my mum so so so much.........

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

one long day..............very loooonnnnnggg day.....

TOday...Rose and Judah weren't i was experimenting my new phone..haha... nothign much to do with the phone... so it was time for TAKING PICS!!!...HAHA...THESE ARE THE RESULTS OF WORKING WITHOUT OUR BOSS...NYEHEHEH..( i'm kidding Rose!!!!)

Kristy and I then went to see Paul later in the funny/...celebrity jeopardy!!>..We watched many clips on his computer...FUNNY CLIPS!!!...muahahahah.. Seriously..Paul is doin so well..I am so happyyy....hehe....

Seriously..i duno what they do in the office

Kristy and I...nothig to do mah!!

We went to visit Paul...Love ya...History Maker!!

And guess Sister decided to go for her prom at 6.30 pm today!!!! and it starts at 7.00pm!!! Rush gila to get her ready..her makeup and hair...and being the girl who never wears dresses....and makeup being a sin...for her... she was like "no! I won't put that earrings on!!"..."ewwww...i look like !@#$!!"...can u imagine..n i was late for prayer meeting already...hehhehe
But trust me ..she looked so amazing..and right now she is still there enjoying herself...haha...enjoy the pics!!
my lovely sister..

My sister and I....

Gorgeous ...ain't she?

DOn't kill me sam!!i love u!

Feature Sunday

On Sunday we had feature Sunday...It was fantastic...the images on the wall are just wonderful..all these put together by our dear ol' darren...dolphin darren...hehe

The mime about two lovers was just superb...i loved cute..matthew and christobelle...and terry's song..was so sweet..enuf to melt any gurl's heart...

The topic of the day was " BGR"...shared by Rose and Judah
I love the thing they said about why we as older ones shouldn't get involved too early...It 's becozof respect for one another...And how we are messing with someone else's future husband or wife,..if we don't want that to happen..we ahd better not mee with someone too early..u know wat i mean...

Hmm.....I was a very timely msg....Not for me!!of coz!! the younger ones..ahem...OF COZ!!!
ITS 11.15PM...

pst pst...sorry..that's my stomach growling...hahah...(LAME!!!!!)
love ya!!

I love this pic...anth n tien ming...hehe

Shu XIan n Stacey with Me!!

My dear Mangkuk..hehe..