Love Conquers all things..........

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Location: North Quincy, Masssachusetts, United States

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Hello everyone!!
It's me....AGAIN!

Guess what I'm doing??

BLOGGING lah...D-U-H!!!!!

sorry guys..i am just so bored. In college now waiting for my class to start. If u are complaining about having funny timetables, gues what...I am in the midst of my 5-hour break!!!!!!!

SINCE I HAVE TIME....I mean A LOT of time...
I would like to recommend a good's called YOU've Got Mail....has anyone watched that movie yet? I think i have watched that movie like 15 times.....Absolutely a must to watch romantic.funny. silly.hehe.


another good movie would be "BLOOD DIAMONd".....tsk tsk.......really good...

Please drop a msg okay or a comment..or a topic we can all discuss intresting....and make sure its a CLEAN TOPIC YA GUYS.!!!HAHAAH....jk jk..

reminder for all: memory verses, do not forget to memorize ....i have only memorized 3...SINNER!!! least i am making an effort.....O-OO-kay!!..

love you all....

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


This has been a very trying week for me. I am trying to undo the mistakes that I have made but i can't seem to find the strength or wisdom ..I cannot talk to anyone about it at all. I am at the "jalan buntu". So difficult this journey. I don't know how I ended up here on this path.

Courage, where are you?

My dear friends, mr sensible and ms wisdom...where are you?

I am happy...and yet a part of me is torn. This is really hard. I need to do something, I cannot compromise. That's what I need to do. I hate myself for this..

Dear God, I am trying. Sorry for letting You down........

Sunday, March 04, 2007

weird week

Sigh...It was an emotion-filled week for me. awkward.happy. confusing. Decisions....Arghhhh..If only circumstances were different. I wish.

Deny yourself.