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Location: North Quincy, Masssachusetts, United States

Friday, January 26, 2007


Have you ever said the wrong things at the wrong time?Embarrassed yourself in front of the wrong person and all you wanted to do at that time was sink into that cold marble floor beneath you? Well, I say this with all the confidence and pride that I HAVE. A MILLION TIMES. You have no idea how many times I have said to the ground "swallow me up, swalllow me up, NOW!!" just because I had uttered the wrong thing.

The fact is, we are fully human AND HUMAN BEINGS MAKE MISTAKES, the normal humans, i mean(dolphins do not count).It doesn't help when you are with your crush and nervousness makes you blab out the worst thing you could ever say.

When I was younger, mistakes like these would make me feel shy and scared of speaking my mind out.I would rather shut up and listen just to avoid people laughing at me. I soon grew out of that and had that SO-WHAT-IF-I-SAID-THE-WRONG-THING attitude or the I-DON'T-CARE attitude.DON'T GET ME WRONG, I mean this in a very good way. Now I just laugh it off when people tease me. Getting all uptight and worked up would only make me feel worse,I realised.

I will not,WILL NOT share with with you what just happened yesterday-Friday. OHHHHHHHHHHHHH THE HUMILIATION. But i just laughed it off. Because of that, i sort of managed to cut the tragic humiliation down by 50%.woopidoo!!

I am happy, single and confident!(at least that is what I think, the confident part, I mean)
Mode: STONER mode. WORK is piling up.And I do not know where to start
College rawks. Just had icebreakers yesterday with our seniors. Friendly bunch I'd say.

Sayonara.....Chai Chien...:)


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